A little about me....

Faith, Hope & Music

Yes, I like to hike—in San Diego where I live, and all over.  I'm an Elder in my church and play music there most every Sunday- many times one of these faith songs I've created. I'm a husband and father, and getting a little gray around the edges, as you can see. 

The songs observe life- the bright moments of existence we dance through, and the more muted, darker times when we're tested. I don't write songs for a living but I've come to recognize that writing songs is when I feel most alive. Where do these mysterious words and tunes flow from? I don't know, but it fills me with awe and gratitude just like my faith. 

Music Platforms: You can find all my published music here as well on Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, Itunes and so forth ("David Brauner Music").  "Songs in Progress," are just that- so you can be part of that process. 

Explore The Uplift Blog: Faith, Hope and Music

Porch Chat: In the depths of the pandemic, our church went online, which gave us the opportunity to explore the faith perspective of certain members in more depth. You can find mine here.  

-What is breaking God's heart in the world?
-Where are you finding hope?
-Share a profound spiritual experience you’ve had.
-What is your favorite Scripture?

-Can you share a difficult life experience that your faith helped you get through?
-Why are you Christian?

-What is a question of faith you are wrestling with? 
-How and when do you feel most connected to God?